What is the difference between wetsuits, rash guards, swim leggings and swim shirts?
Rash guards or rash vests, swim leggings and swim shirts all help with skin protection and temperature regulation. Their use can vary depending on the climate, season and individual preference. There’s variation between these options too, as swim shirts and some swim leggings aren’t usually designed for the agitation of extreme sports.
On the other hand, wetsuits have one main goal: staying warm in cooler water temperatures. People usually don’t choose to wear a wetsuit instead of thinner options until the water and air temperatures compel it. Another benefit of wetsuits is protecting the skin from friction and scrapes during water sports.
Actually, although they’re less flexible and harder to put on, some people don’t mind much when wetsuit season rolls around. They offer security in terms of coverage. This is more the case for women.
Also, a properly chosen wetsuit can be a guarantee of warmth, instead of trying to stick it out in lighter, more flexible and easier-to-put-on water apparel. While many companies have plain dark colors, Platinum Sun’s wetsuits and neoprene jackets offer unique styles.
Platinum Sun’s fuller swimsuits are made of a spandex and polyester blend. Similar to a one-piece rash guard set, they are great for swimming or water sports. They’re not meant for much cooler water, like neoprene wetsuits.
What to consider when buying a wetsuit
Buying wetsuits can be tricky. You should consult tables for the water and air temperatures for where you will use it. Wetsuit thickness is measured precisely. The thickness can differ on the parts covering the torso versus the limbs.
So a 3/2 wetsuit is 3 millimeters thick on the torso and 2 mm thick on the limbs. Some even distinguish legs from arms, like a 6/5/4 suit for frigid water. It would have a 6 mm torso, 5 mm legs and 4 mm arms. An online surf report for that area or a local surf or tackle shop may be able to help (although they may not want to help over the phone).
While boys’ and girls’ wetsuits are more alike until age ten or so, women’s wetsuits differ in their cut and shape from men’s. There’s more variation between the genders than with rash guards and leggings. You should consult the sizing guides to ensure a wetsuit will fit correctly in the water.
Do I really need a wetsuit?
Sometimes people hesitate to invest in a wetsuit because they don’t realize how comfortable and warm they can stay. But life is short! You should get out in the water as often as you can.
In our screen-focused, low-attention world today, the flow states you can achieve in water sports or swimming can be priceless. You should have fun and get relief from the stresses in life. Don’t forget the fun-filled exercise keeping you healthy, trim and toned! Platinum Sun has striking wetsuits for women for warmer climates and shorty swimsuits too.
How to clean a neoprene wetsuit
It’s important to rinse it in fresh water after every use in salt water. Perhaps even wash it with a cleanser meant for neoprene. Never machine wash it. When drying neoprene wetsuits, keep them away from heat. Just hang them, but never on a wire hanger.