How to Pack Like a Pro

How to Pack Like a Pro
Travelling light is always easier said than done. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking carry-on only or juggling between sports bags and suitcases if you want to know how to pack like a pro, keep on reading!

Plan Before You Pack
We’ve all been guilty of turning up on vacation with our suitcase bursting at the seams and only wearing 25% of what we packed! By planning your outfits before you pack, you can minimize space by choosing mix and match outfits. We wear our leggings for all occasions, to the gym, in the water, and even out on the town (by the way, our leopard print compression leggings are super sexy for a Friday night dance party)! They also don’t take up much room, which is important when choosing your final garments. Don't pack big sweaters that take up all the room; instead, wear them to the airport, wrap them around your waist, or to tie them to your hand luggage.
Keep It Clean
Throwing everything into one bag makes it hard to escape the spread of sand and dirt. But it's pretty simple to unpack everything ready to wear. Firstly, pack all of your clothes inside-out so if there is any dirt or scuffs, you can just turn it through and wear it straight out of your suitcase. Let’s face it, who wants to show up on vacation and immediately find a washing machine? Secondly, those old plastic shower caps you have at home or the ones you’ve collected from hotel toiletry packs make perfect covers for the soles of your shoes.
Get Rolling
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! My mom found it hard to believe how much more I could pack into my bag after I’d rolled everything, including my underwear! The tighter and better you roll, the more you can pack. You can also fill previously wasted space, like shoes, with rolled up garments. As someone who travels with kiteboarding equipment, I can always get my collection of rolled-up Platinum Sun rashguards and leggings packed inside of my bindings! Easy peasy!
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